Friday, April 24, 2009

Guarder of Celebrities: T. Sean Collins

Recently, I sat down with Mr. T. Sean Collins in a bar in Barbados regarding his work in the Zombie War. Collins is a war vet and considers himself to be a mercenary more than anything else. He was hired by a very rich man who wanted him to do private security (from zombies) for different celebrities, whether they are musicians, athletes, or movie or television stars. He was situated with these celebrities and the man that hired him had a house right by the beach. The man had done his homework and set up an impenetrable fortress. The thing about this fortress was that the owner had set up live web cam feeds in every room of the house. These feeds would broadcast over a news network so people could see them sitting pretty. One day, they notice that some of their motion sensors tripped a few miles away and everyone went to their post to defend. It turns out that instead of hundreds of zombies, there are hundreds of people who weren't infected. They begin to get closer he tells me and they start shooting at each other, however, he does not fire a shot. He tells me he didn't do that because he was hired to protect them from zombies, not from people. He told me he took off on the beach and never saw them again. He drinks from his rum and asks the waiter to bring him another one. Mr. Collins was probably one of my favorite interviews. I wish we would have been able to talk about what happened after he left the island, but unfortunately we did not.

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