Sunday, May 3, 2009

Barati Palshigar

The next place that I visited what Ulithi Atoll in the Federated States of Micronesia, where I met with Barati Palshigar. Palshigar was a broadcaster for Radio Free Earth. Radio Free Earth was designed to help people survive throughout the Zombie War and told them what they should know about the virus. Radio Free Earth broadcasted from a vessel known as the Ural. It was originally a Russian Naval vessel, but was then converted to a broadcasting station. We then talk about some information that wasn't true. We talked about that for a little bit and then we talked about the people who got the information and then gave it to him to broadcast. These were the operators who gave him this information. We discuss the cries that these people had to hear from people who were struggling from the war. He tells me that all of the operators that worked at Radio Free Earth have killed themselves because of all the cries that they heard while operating the radio transmissions. This was a very disturbing interview, but it showed what was necessary to win the war.

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