Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Englishman: David Allen Forbes

I traveled to the Province of Bohemia in the European Union recently. While I was there, I met with a man named David Allen Forbes. Forbes is an English author in the process of writing his second book: Castles of the Zombie War: The Continent. Our conversation starts off with him discussing different fortresses and castles throughout Europe. He explains the difference between castles and palaces and how some castles are palaces, which defeats the purpose of a castle. He then talks about which fortresses survived the Zombie War and the situation they were in. I find out that he stayed in the Windsor Castle, which was probably one of the best places to stay. This is because of the oil that the castle was built on, as well as the location of the castle. He then gets uncomfortable and I ask if he wants to stop the interview. He declines. He then starts talking about a woman who refused to the leave the Windsor Castle and go with her family until the war was over.

1 comment:

Vincent said...

Sounds like a sensitive guy, and now I think a castle would've been a good place to find safety.
