Friday, May 1, 2009

Colonel Christina Eliopolis

Recently, I traveled to Parnell Air National Guard Base in Tennessee to meet with Colonel Christina Eliopolis. Her story is something that is rather unique when it comes to the Zombie War. She was a pilot in the air force and typically flew large, technologically sophisticated planes but when the war started up, the government decided to use planes and helicopter that did not require so much energy. She was told to fly more prop planes and older planes that did not require a lot of fuel. The job that she and her crew were assigned was to drop vital supplies and equipment to people on the ground who needed it. She tells me that it was a routine drop route; she was flying from Phoenix to Florida. She had been up for a few days straight because of some pills she and the whole crew were taking. These pills caused her to have to go to the bathroom frequently. She had been holding it for a while and couldn't hold it any longer. She went to use the bathroom and all of the sudden, the plane begins to nosedive. She gets sucked out of the plane the pulls her chute. Only one other person from the crew actually made it out of the plane. She later finds him getting eaten by zombies. She lands with the help of her parachute. Meanwhile, she follows the rules and steps that she learned while in training to escape the zombies and eventually get rescued. She says that she couldn't have done it without a sky watcher by the name of Metsfan or Mets for short. Mets helped the Colonel survive and evade by guiding her and giving her the will power to keep going. When she returns to safety, Eliopolis learns that there were no sky watchers in that area at that time that were stuck in a cabin. She is told that her radio was broken on contact from the drop (it was the way she kept in contact with Mets). The Colonel was given a mental evaluation at the base and they thought she was crazy. No matter what the evidence is that Mets doesn't exist, Eliopolis will go to the grave believing that she does and without Mets, she wouldn't have made it out of that situation alive.

1 comment:

Timmy Frakes said...

Yes I truly thought this was a very interesting story, Christina is one of the most raw characters in the book, and I believe that Mets is christinas guardian angel.